On-Site Data Recovery

If your data is no longer accessible and you aren’t sure what to do next, Data Retrieval Services’ Client Site Data Recovery

Services help to recover your data back. We send a tech to your home or office to help diagnose your problem. Should our data recovery services be needed, our technician will assist you with filling out our forms, removing your hard drive from your computer and delivering it to our lab. When the recovery is complete, we will have our technician return to you with your recovered data and they will assist in getting you and your system back on line.

If you would like to have our data recovery services on site our technicians are expert in performing onsite Data Recovery services. This service is available in most of the major cities and surrounding areas within Florida and in several locations within the United States.

If Disk has Physical Damage, it may Require Components replacement or Transplantation in Clean room environment. in this case Data Recovery can be performed only in our well-equipped Data Recovery Labs.